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The Art of Finger Dexterity op. 740 - Umění obratnosti prstů pro klavír

Autor Carl Czerny
Kód SCHED9820
EAN 9783795797805
Obtížnost Pokročilý
Žánr učebnice
Vydavatel Schott music
Počet stran 182
Jazyk Němčina
Velikost 230x300x10 mm
Dostupnost do 3 - 6 pracovních dnů

- +
692 Kč
Doprava již od 69 Kč

Pro uložení produktu do oblíbených je nutné se přihlásit.

Umění hbitosti prstů op. 740 obsahuje studijní materiál pro technickou vybavenost hráčů. Studie a studijní práce Carla Czerného (1791-1857) jsou součástí standardního repertoáru klavírní výuky. Tyto sbírky patří k nejoblíbenějším a nejvýznamnějším dílům klavírního vzdělávání.

Volume 1:
Developing agility in the fingers without moving the hands
Crossing under with the thumg
Developing clarity and fluency
Agility in playing a quiet staccato
Evenness in parallel runs
Clarity in playing broken chords
Dynamic tension when plying with force
Changing fingers at speed
Volume 2:
Staccato playing with a gentle spring
Playing in thirds
Facility in changing fingers
Flexibility in the left hand
Optimising fluency
Playing sequences of chords
Dynamic tension when playing with force
Changing fingers at speed
Volume 3:
Rapid minor scales
Crossing hands with a gentle touch
Maintaining the movement of both hands
Playing double octaves
Matching the movement of both hands
Practising trills
Developing a gentle touch with the fingers on the left hand
Playing the thumb on the black keys with a completely relaxed hand
Volume 4:
Achieving clarity at speed
Playing sequences of chords as fast as possible
Independent movement of the fingers
Increasing agility in the fingers without moving the hand around
Practising mordents
Developing a firm attack
Exercise in crossing the thumb under
Lifting the fingers evenly
Volume 5:
A light touch with octave leaps
Playing trills in thirds
Changing fingers on a single key
Keeping the arm light when playing a smotth line
Achieving clarity at full force
Lifting both hands smoothly
Exercise in thirds
Light staccato chords
Increasing mobility of the fingers on the left hand
Volume 6:
Practising double mordents
Practising crossing the thumb under
Optimising mobility of the fingers with the gentlest touch
Legato melodic line with broken chords
Bravura attack and motion
Clarity and gentleness of touch with brocken chords
Practising trills
Bravura octaves
Bravura attack and playing in tempo
(Zobrazit více)